Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cross country

It was Thursday, the day of the Cross Country. In room five people were getting ready. Slowly we got out to the front field. We got into our lines.
The year sixes went off to the starting line first. We had to be patient for the year threes’ turn to go. Dave smashed the blocks together. I ran my hardest at the start. A little bit later the track got a little bit zig-zag. All the people were behind me and I noticed that I was in front. After that I was up the stairs. Then I saw my Dad. Someone took a picture of me when I got to the corner. I kept on going.
I watched all the little people go. I saw my buddy go. After it was the open race. I felt a bit scared then I was in the open. I went in it and I came eleventh. The track was exactly the same.
I love special events like Cross Country.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Kangaroos are large animals that live in Australia. You can see kangaroos in zoos.

Kangaroos can move very quickly. Also they jump with their tails up.

Kangaroos are not normal mammals, they are marsupials. Marsupials have pouches and milk. Kangaroo babies are called joeys. When the baby has gone too far the mother calls the joey back.

The baby goes in the pouch head first then it does a flip in its mother’s pouch. When a mother has a dingo running after it with its baby in its pouch she lets it go in a good hiding spot. At night the mother comes and finds the joey. When the baby kangaroo is born it holds onto its mother’s fur up into her pouch.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Voki Friend Amy

Get a Voki now!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Wreck of the Delaware

In 1863 Huria Matenga woke up at the sight if a storm. She heard people shouting outside. She woke Hemi. They ran to Hohapata, their friend. Then they ran to the beach. They threw a rope but it didn’t reach the boat. Henry Squirrell went to try to get a rope to the other side of the sea but he was smashed against the rocks. The sailors hauled the poor man up.
The captain was the last on the ship. He checked on Henry. He said to himself, “He is dead.” So he went away.
When they were all cosy they saw Henry Squirrell standing up on the boat. Soon he was drowned.
From that day on, if you go to Nelson Museum, you will see some watches, gold and silver; watches for Huria and her companions.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How the Kiwi Lost its Wings

Long, long ago kiwis lived in the top trees. They had brightly coloured feathers. All the other birds admired the kiwi’s feathers. One day Tane Mahuta saw a plague of bugs. He called Kiwi, Tui, Pukeko, Grey Warbler, Kakapo, Morepork and all the other birds together. Tane Mahuta said that one of the birds had to go and live on the forest floor.

So he asked Cuckoo, “Would you like to go on the forest floor?”

“No, I am building a nest in the trees.”

Then he asked Tui. “No, I am afraid of the enemies down there.”

Then he asked Morepork. “No way. I love the light in the trees so, so much.”

Then he asked Kiwi. “Yes, I would do it”

“Tui, you would have a white feather on your chest. Pukeko, you would stay in the wet parts of the forest. Morepork, you would stay in the darkest parts of the forest. Kiwi, you are perfect and everyone would like to take your name.”

And that’s how the kiwi lost his wings.